9 Tips On Perfecting Your Boho Style Living Room

9 Tips On Perfecting Your Boho Style Living Room

Decoration and Design
Interior Design
By Alex Mikayelyan March 07, 2022

The Bohemian, or Boho, interiors are a sight to behold when done right. They are a little chaotic and eclectic, but not to the point where they are distracting or too much for the eyes. Boho can be a real visual treat, but certain elements have to be in place for it to function well in any interior.

Luckily, a number of fundamental features of Boho can be implemented with ease into your living room to create a wholesome and inviting atmosphere. A Boho living room is warm, cozy, bright, and welcoming all in one. So, if you’re looking to create one for your home, there are a slew of useful Boho living room ideas on how you can get this done.

1. Bright Walls

Boho Living Room Walls That Are Bright and Lively

Boho Living Room Walls That Are Bright and Lively

Brightness is key in getting your modern Bohemian living room just right. Avoid dark tones as much as possible when designing the living room. It is generally recommended to keep the walls white and let the decor, upholstery, furniture, and other elements do the talking when it comes to color. With all those colorful features being implemented, a vibrant colorful wall would be too much for the eyes.

Keep the walls white and all the other elements should compensate. Keeping this balance is very important in Boho glam living rooms. Going to either side of the spectrum, be it more color or less color, could compromise the unique aesthetic of Boho.

2. Plenty of Natural Light

How Light Can Be Incorporated Into Your Boho Living Room

How Light Can Be Incorporated Into Your Boho Living Room

What is one thing that pairs very nicely with bright white walls? Plenty of natural light to brighten up the interior. A fundamental part of any Bohemian room is brightness. Boho does not work well in the darkness as there needs to be plenty of light to accentuate all the unique interior decor and design details.

Ensure that your living room windows are open and the curtains are brightly colored to let in plenty of light. This way, the light will illuminate every corner of the room, giving your eyes a visual treat every time you walk into your Bohemian living room.

3. Wicker Basket Decor

The Importance of Wicker In Bohemian Living Rooms

The Importance of Wicker In Bohemian Living Rooms

One thing that immediately comes to mind when thinking about Bohemian design is wicker. There is a unique synergy between these two concepts; the freeform, relaxed attitude of Boho interiors gives plenty of room for wicker, which carries a very rustic texture and visual aesthetic. Wicker weaves are just chaotic enough to add visual flair to Bohemian interiors, but not too eclectic where they become visually distracting.

Incorporate wicker baskets in your Boho living room decor, table centerpieces, or simply have baskets strewn about the room either empty or filled with dried flowers. Regardless of how you utilize wicker in your Boho interior, it will bring in a very unique rustic aesthetic that is indicative of the design style.

4. Indoor Plants

Incorporating Plantlife Into Your Bohemian Living Space

Incorporating Plantlife Into Your Bohemian Living Space

Indoor plants can be found in just about any interior out there. Nothing prevents you from getting a few potted plants and placing them about to not only brighten up the room but also provide a little hobby for the horticulture lovers in your household. Plants are known to bring positive energy into the living room, where a lot of it is needed to help create a serene atmosphere.

Don’t go too overboard with potted plants, however, as many homeowners tend to underestimate how big they can get. Potted plants can grow quite a wide canopy and may end up enveloping the entire room in vibrant colors. Unless this is the outcome you’re looking for, ensure that you understand exactly how big the plants will get so that you don’t end up creating a jungle in your living room within a few months. 

5. Cozy Rugs

Cozy Rugs for Your Hardwood Bohemian Floors

Cozy Rugs for Your Hardwood Bohemian Floors

Wooden flooring is a given for most Boho interiors, especially living rooms. But not everyone enjoys the cold hardwood floors, especially in the winter. So, to make the interior warmer, insulate the floor, and give your household a plush surface to walk on, use soft and cozy rugs instead.

What’s really unique about the Boho interior is that because of rustic undertones, a washed-out rug with pale colors can work just as well, if not better, than a brand new one. If you bought an old Persian rug and don’t know how to incorporate it into your interior, know that it goes perfectly in Boho design. 

6. Colorful Pillowcases

Bringing In More Color via Pillowcases In Bohemian Living Rooms

Bringing In More Color via Pillowcases In Bohemian Living Rooms

Remember how you need to keep your walls neutral-colored so that the rest of the decor does the talking in terms of vibrant hues? Pillowcases are among the most effective color accents you can include in your living room design. What makes them so effective is that you can create many combinations of pillowcase colors and when you get tired of one combination or pattern, simply switch it out for another.

Unlike the rest of a Boho interior, you can also use a wider assortment of colors, even ones that are not considered to be traditionally Bohemian. So, if you’re looking to play around with color in your Boho living room, look no further than the pillowcases. 

7. Earthy Tones

Subtle Earthy Tones of Bohemian Living Room Interiors

Subtle Earthy Tones of Bohemian Living Room Interiors

While the carefree motif of Bohemian interior does not necessarily have to include bits of nature, biophilia still plays a major role in Boho interiors regardless. A very important aspect of a Bohemian living room is the earthy tones. Green, yellow, beige, brown, and gray are among the most common colors you will come across in Bohemian interiors — generally muted and not very vibrant, as you’d find them in nature.

Natural interior elements have been known to help individuals relax. Something about those colors puts our minds at ease and helps us unwind. Hence why a Boho interior, one that makes comfort and relaxation its top priority, tends to incorporate earthy tones into its design.

8. Wooden Surfaces

What Wooden Textures Are Present In Boho Interiors

What Wooden Textures Are Present In Boho Interiors

It’s not just earthy colors that can help us relax. Another very important interior element to take into consideration is the textures of your room. And what material out there is more biophilic than wood? Boho interiors put a lot of emphasis on the natural brown colors and the rough textures of wooden accent walls, furniture, and flooring.

Wood plays a huge role in your Boho design. Unlike other interiors where the wood is camouflaged under a coat of paint or is merely a small accent, Bohemian interiors make very good use of wooden textures. It is at the forefront of Bohemian design and boldly adorns the living room. 

9. Hanging Furniture

The Aesthetic and Practical Nature of Bohemian Hanging Living Room Furniture

The Aesthetic and Practical Nature of Bohemian Hanging Living Room Furniture

A very unique aspect of Bohemian interior design is an unorthodox approach to, well, just about everything. This also includes furniture, as many Bohemian interiors feature armchairs, sofas, and hammocks hanging from the ceiling. This further feeds into the motif of simple relaxation and the laid-back attitude that Boho design features instill. 

There are also practical benefits to owning hanging furniture. The first is how ergonomic Boho living room furniture is. No longer will you have to worry about armchairs taking up valuable floor space and you have to rearrange them to make room. The hanging chairs give you the extra floor space you need to place things under them as well, as long as these items don’t get knocked over by the hanging furniture. Another advantage is room flow. When interior spaces lack any sort of flow, it creates traffic and congestion within the rooms. Ceiling-mounted Bohemian living room furniture can be easily pushed to one side as you walk through the room, thereby optimizing the flow of the interior space.


Written by
Alex Mikayelyan

Written by Alex Mikayelyan

