The Top Surprises Homeowners Encounter When Updating Framing

The Top Surprises Homeowners Encounter When Updating Framing

By Team March 13, 2023

Updating framing in your home is an exciting project that can add value, functionality, and beauty to your living space. However, it's important to know that this kind of renovation can come with a few surprises that you should be prepared for. In this article, we will discuss the biggest surprises homeowners encounter when updating framing and what you can do to avoid or overcome them.

Unexpected Costs

One of the biggest surprises homeowners face when updating framing is unexpected costs. When you start the project, it's easy to assume that you'll only need to cover the cost of materials and labor. However, once the renovation is underway, you may uncover hidden issues that need to be addressed, such as rot, mold, or termite damage. These problems can add significant costs to your budget and may delay the completion of your project.

To avoid unexpected costs, it's important to budget for contingencies before you start your renovation. Plan to set aside at least 10-20% of your total budget for unexpected expenses. It's also a good idea to have a professional inspection of your home before you start the project. A qualified inspector can identify potential issues before they become major problems.

Structural Challenges

Another surprise that homeowners encounter when updating framing is structural challenges. Depending on the age and condition of your home, you may find that the existing structure is not suitable for the new design. This can include issues such as uneven floors, inadequate support beams, or outdated plumbing and electrical systems.

To overcome structural challenges, it's important to work with a professional contractor who has experience with framing renovations. They can help you identify any structural issues before you begin your renovation and come up with a plan to address them. It's also important to be flexible with your design plans and be prepared to make adjustments if necessary.

Building Codes and Permits

Building codes and permits are another surprise that homeowners encounter when updating framing. Depending on the scope of your renovation, you may need to obtain permits from your local building department. Failure to obtain the necessary permits can result in fines or even legal action.

To avoid issues with building codes and permits, it's important to do your research before you start your renovation. Contact your local building department to find out what permits you need and what the process involves. Make sure that your contractor is licensed and insured and that they are familiar with local building codes.

Updating framing in your home can be a rewarding project that adds value and beauty to your living space. However, it's important to be aware of the surprises that may arise during the renovation process. By budgeting for contingencies, working with a professional contractor, and being prepared for structural challenges and building codes, you can avoid many of the common pitfalls of framing renovation.


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Written by Team

Written by Team

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