The Top Surprises Homeowners Experience When Replacing a Furnace

The Top Surprises Homeowners Experience When Replacing a Furnace

By Team March 13, 2023

Replacing a furnace can be a daunting task for any homeowner. The process is time-consuming and requires a significant financial investment. However, there are some surprises that homeowners encounter that they may not have anticipated. In this article, we will discuss the top surprises homeowners experience when replacing a furnace.

Unexpected Costs

One of the most significant surprises homeowners encounter when replacing a furnace is the unexpected costs. Many homeowners are unaware of the additional costs associated with installing a new furnace. For example, homeowners may need to pay for additional ductwork or a new thermostat. These costs can quickly add up, so it's essential to get an estimate that includes all the necessary costs before making any decisions.

Size Matters

Another surprise that homeowners encounter when replacing a furnace is the size of the new furnace. Many homeowners assume that the new furnace will be the same size as the old one, but that's not always the case. Newer models are often more efficient and require smaller sizes, so it's essential to have a professional take accurate measurements to ensure that the new furnace fits properly.

Energy Efficiency Ratings

Energy efficiency ratings are another surprise that homeowners encounter when replacing a furnace. Homeowners may not be aware of the energy efficiency ratings of their old furnace and how much money they could save with a more efficient model. Homeowners should look for furnaces with a high AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating, which indicates how much heat is produced compared to the amount of fuel consumed.

Installation Timeframe

Many homeowners are surprised at how long it takes to install a new furnace. The installation process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the complexity of the job. Homeowners should be prepared for the installation process and make arrangements for temporary heating if necessary.

Maintenance Requirements

Finally, homeowners may be surprised at the maintenance requirements of their new furnace. Newer models may require different types of maintenance, such as changing filters or cleaning the condenser coils. Homeowners should familiarize themselves with the maintenance requirements to ensure that their new furnace operates at peak efficiency.


Replacing a furnace can be a significant investment, but it's essential to be aware of the potential surprises that may arise during the process. Homeowners should be prepared for unexpected costs, the size of the new furnace, energy efficiency ratings, installation timeframe, and maintenance requirements. By being aware of these surprises, homeowners can make informed decisions and choose a new furnace that best fits their needs and budget.


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Written by Team

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