The Surprises Homeowners Encounter When Hiring a Painter for Special Textures

The Surprises Homeowners Encounter When Hiring a Painter for Special Textures

By Team March 14, 2023

Hiring a painter for special textures can be a great way to add a unique and eye-catching element to your home's interior or exterior. However, many homeowners are surprised by some of the challenges that come with this type of project. In this article, we'll discuss the biggest surprises that homeowners encounter when hiring a painter for special textures.

Surprise #1: The Cost

One of the biggest surprises that homeowners encounter when hiring a painter for special textures is the cost. Special textures require more time and materials than traditional painting, which can drive up the cost significantly. Before hiring a painter, be sure to get a detailed estimate that includes all materials and labor costs, so you know what to expect.

Surprise #2: The Mess

Adding special textures to your walls or ceilings can be a messy process. Depending on the type of texture you choose, your painter may need to sand, spray, or roll on the texture, which can create a lot of dust and debris. Be sure to discuss cleanup and containment measures with your painter before the project begins, so you can minimize the mess and protect your home.

Surprise #3: The Time

Special textures take more time to apply than traditional paint. Depending on the size of your project and the complexity of the texture, it may take several days or even weeks to complete. Be sure to discuss a timeline with your painter before the project begins, so you can plan accordingly and avoid any surprises.

Surprise #4: The Maintenance

Special textures can require more maintenance than traditional paint. Some textures may be more prone to chipping, cracking, or fading over time. Before choosing a texture, be sure to discuss the maintenance requirements with your painter, so you can choose a texture that fits your lifestyle and maintenance preferences.

Surprise #5: The Impact on Resale Value

Adding special textures to your home can be a great way to personalize your space, but it can also impact your home's resale value. Some buyers may not appreciate the unique textures, which could make it more difficult to sell your home in the future. Before adding special textures, consider the potential impact on your home's resale value and consult with a real estate professional.

Hiring a painter for special textures can be a great way to add personality and interest to your home, but it's important to be prepared for the challenges that come with this type of project. By discussing cost, mess, time, maintenance, and resale value with your painter beforehand, you can avoid surprises and ensure a successful project.


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Written by Team

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