Even in a small garden, you risk injury from things you may dig up, whether it be old tin cans, glass of all sorts, sharp rocks, old asbestos flooring material, and so on. Now imagine this on a large scale, and the challenges of doing site preparation yourself quickly become apparent.
It's not good to risk your own safety by trying to clear everything yourself, especially if you don’t have the right protective gear or heavy equipment. Inadequate site preparation or incomplete junk removal can lead to construction delays, injuries, and cost overruns, so this is one place where it’s best not to spare any expense.
A Job For Pros
While it is perfectly possible to do site preparation with a rented pickup and a few friends, this can take a long time and might even cost you more in the long run. Doing this task yourself can take days, if not weeks, depending on the size of the lot that needs to be cleared.
In addition to clearing everything yourself, it is required that all debris be properly disposed of so they can be recycled into sustainable construction materials. This means you will have to transport all your junk to the right place. You can imagine that means many long trips back and forth between the landfill and the recycling plant. Therefore, a professional is recommended for this type of work.