11 Tips to Organize Your Space and Declutter Your Closet

11 Tips to Organize Your Space and Declutter Your Closet

Small Projects and Repairs
By Emma Sarkisyan November 18, 2021

Have you ever spent far too much time in the morning staring at your closet, trying to figure out what to wear? Sometimes the clothes are so piled up, you have no idea where is what. You always tell yourself that you will try to declutter the closet over the weekend, but you never do, and it becomes a never-ending cycle. Why?  Because people often tend to form attachments with their clothing, it is difficult for them to get rid of what they no longer wear or need. They say that if you want new things, you must let go of the old ones in order to make room for new ones, and it’s true. You may not know this, but if you organize and declutter your closet on a regular basis, you will even feel lighthearted and at ease. It’s very much like clearing your mind of negative energy.

Wardrobe organization ideas can be difficult to come up with, but once you get into the swing of things and start sorting your clothes, there will be no stopping you. You'll become obsessed with organizing once you see how clean and neat a closet can be. Take out all of your shoes, clothes, and accessories before you begin decluttering your closet. Decide what stays and what goes, no matter how difficult the choice is. After you've completed the difficult task of psychological separation, you can begin designing your own closet system.

Color Code Your Clothes 

Color Coding System Makes It Easier To Match Outfits

Color Coding System Makes It Easier To Match Outfits

This method may take a little while, but it’s worth it. When you think of an outfit you want to wear, you immediately remember its color, right? Imagine how easy it would be for you to find the t-shirt you need because all your clothes are color-coded. If you invest the time into organizing your closet according to this system, you will spend far less time in the mornings staring at it. One of the most efficient ways is to use the rainbow (ROYGBIV) color code: white, tan, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, brown, grey, black. You can also subdivide your clothing into specific types (ie. blouses, trousers, jackets, dresses, etc). If your outfits have patterns on them, you can either create a patterned section or decide which color group it should belong to.

Organize by Category and Seasons

Organize Your Clothes By Categories And Seasons

Organize Your Clothes By Categories And Seasons

When the pumpkin season comes around, you just want to put on your sweater and enjoy the remaining warm days. Like the weather, your clothing has seasons too. Divide your entire wardrobe into seasons, then create subcategories. For example, devote a section of your closet to summer outfits, then put pants, dresses, and shirts separately. That way, you’ll find what you need within minutes. This organizational method is not only time-saving but aesthetically pleasing. 

Label Your Boxes

Organize Your Wardrobe And Prevent It From Cluttering

Organize Your Wardrobe And Prevent It From Cluttering

Keeping your space organized is something you will have to stick to at all times. Take two boxes, label them as “keep” and “declutter”. Try to do a decluttering session once a month, or maybe before every season. Decide on what stays and what goes, then put the outfits in the corresponding boxes. Besides that, you can use labeled boxes for seasonal shoes, jewelry, scarfs, and belts. With the help of boxes, you can save space in your closet and everything will look more orderly. 

Use Matching Hangers

Hangers Help in the Process of Decluttering

Hangers Help in the Process of Decluttering

When you look into your closet and see the chaos of wire and neon plastic hangers, you just want to shut the door and never look back (unless you like your hangers to be chaotically sparkling like a girl’s best friend). Using matching hangers, however, gives the aesthetic vibe you’d like to see every time you check your closet. Go for velvet hangers; that way, for example, your silk blouses won’t slip off and heavy clothes will be more steady.

Keep Season Items Down Below

Keep Seasonal Clothes Within Your Reach

Keep Seasonal Clothes Within Your Reach

When organizing your closet, consider the items you will need right away and place them below. Clothes that will not be worn for a long time can be stored in baskets on the top shelf. You won't have to reach out to grab a piece of your outfit because everything will be within the level of your eyes. When the season changes, simply swap the clothes in baskets with the ones below.

Fold Sweaters 

Fold Sweaters To Save Closet Space

Fold Sweaters To Save Closet Space

Sweaters are typically large and bulky in size, so hanging them will take up a lot of closet space. Consider folding them neatly and storing them on top shelves. They will not crinkle, lose shape, or slump. You will also be able to easily find the one you need in the stack. 

Use Baskets and Bins 

Basket And Bins Save Your Drawer Space

Basket And Bins Save Your Drawer Space

While organizing your closet, keep in mind that baskets and bins are drawer space savers. They come in a variety of colors, shapes, and forms, and you can choose the ones that best suit your design ideas. They have different price ranges, allowing you to constantly buy new ones and stock them with towels, t-shirts, sweaters, or your shoes.

Vacuum Storage Bags

Store Big Items In Vacuum Bags

Store Big Items In Vacuum Bags

When you consider storing away bulky bedding or winter pieces of clothing, you obviously try to squeeze them in your closet. While winter items are easier to fit in, try doing that with blankets and pillows. They take up so much space that you might as well buy another closet just for bedding. This is when vacuum storage bags come to the rescue. Not all heroes wear capes, but some of them may save your budget. You remove the air out of the bags with the help of a vacuum hose and compress the bags to smaller sizes.

Closet Wall Hooks

Use The Extra Space In Your Closet For Hooks

Use The Extra Space In Your Closet For Hooks

If you have empty wall space, then you can attach hooks and hang your hats, bags, towels, or even coats. If you don’t have the extra space, you can always add them on the back of the door. There are different types of hooks to choose from, allowing you to pick the one that seems most fitting.

  • S-shaped 
  • Over-the-door-hooks
  • Peg-style 
  • Coat 
  • Removable 

Shoe Organizer 

Use A Pocket Organizer For Your Shoes

Use A Pocket Organizer For Your Shoes

Placing your shoes on the floor is not the best idea if you want your closet to look more organized and less chaotic. They take up a lot of room, and there's a good chance you'll stumble upon one while choosing your outfit. Build lower shelves to store your shoes, or hang a pocket organizer on your closet door. That way, the inside of your closet will be clear of clutter and will look nice and clean.

Drawer Dividers 

Store Small Items In Drawer Dividers

Store Small Items In Drawer Dividers

Imagine that you have meticulously put together an outfit and then can’t find your sock, or a tie; that happens when pieces of clothing in your drawers get messed up. It doesn’t matter if you cleaned and organized them a week ago; they are bound to get messy as small items tend to get mixed up. That is why drawer dividers are lifesavers. Divide and conquer your closet by storing your socks, ties, underwear, or even t-shirts in drawer dividers. They save space and keep your closet clean and decluttered.


Written by
Emma Sarkisyan

Written by Emma Sarkisyan
